Mental Health Care

Mental health matters. We pride ourselves in serving all community members who need it through one-on-one, group and family counseling, as well as psychiatry and medication management. We serve individuals, couples, families, veterans, and children. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, we also provide substance use treatment. To learn more please contact us

What to Expect at Your Visit

During your first visit, you will meet one-on-one with a clinician by phone, web, or in person, to discuss your needs and develop a care plan together. These sessions are typically about an hour. 

Care plans are unique to you. They may include routine visits with counselors or a psychiatrist and strategies to curb symptoms, such as medication. To the maximum extent possible, we want to help you feel: 

  • Well.

  • Able to work.

  • Able to take care for yourself and you family.

  • That you understand your symptoms.

  • Able to cope with stress, depression, anger, or other symptoms.

Location & Hours

Our counselors are available at multiple sites, including:

  • Telehealth. 

  • 45 High Street, Nashua, NH 03060.

  • 615 Amherst Street, Nashua, NH 03063.

Appointments are scheduled, but same-day and crisis appointments are available. Please call before visiting for special instructions.

Cost & Insurance | Sliding-Fee Scale

Thanks to the support of many donors and funders, we offer care to all those in need, including those without insurance or the ability to pay for services, using a sliding fee scale based on income. We accept most insurances, including Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance. Please contact us with any questions about insurance or payment, or to schedule an appointment with our Patient Insurance Navigator, who can help you understand and apply for any insurance you may be eligible to receive.